In this TED talk the video game developers are considering incorporating the benefits of playing games on the real world. While playing games we are engaged in "blissful productivity", harbor "urgent optimism", achieve developed "social fabric", and feel "epic meaning". I think the concept of having gamers use strategic ideas in games can translate well into the real world.
One global problem we have on our hands that a game can help with is our quickly diminishing supply of energy (oil, etc). There could be a game designed that allows the player to come up with and design their own ways of harnessing energy (, wind, steam, etc) to use for everyday power that anyone can use. This could be an online game, with the best ideas being acknowledged and perhaps even further explored by scientists. This could be played anytime. People with the best ideas could also be rewarded. The game could have real life factors in it, like the average cost of materials, etc. The game could even about other doesn't have to be restricted to coming up with different ways to use our resources for power. In the game players could learn the true value of our resources, and help preserve them/ use them more wisely.